Just do it


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Come and go in a heated rush....

What's with this July heat? I have to put an icepack on my distinguished brow in order to sally forth into the noonday sun. This is New England, but, the current weather pattern has worn poorly, and a new cut of weather cloth is needed at this time. Like dry, sunny and a breeze. Make a note of it.

EarRe is now getting fitter than ever. There are ever expanding opportunities to exercise, play games, eat only healthy food, and pore over literature on the net that will lead to an old age of vim. Vim and vigor. Vigorous vimmery. Yes, I will call myself "the Vimmer" when, as and if I sicken of EarRe.

Helping out with this fitness binge is blonde Delaney, a personal trainer of a most unusual appellation. Names mean something in this life, (so says EarRe), so the source of this name will be traced. Normally, a name like Ann, or Kim, or Kate might be appended, but here, in the case of this personal trainer, Delaney was chosen. Inquiring minds want to know....

Not wanting to let the post out without an intriguing photo, please cast your (non-drooping) eye on Lucky Luciano, the last great gangster. Lucky is the source and inspiration for my use of "make a note of it" above, a phrase that an unremembered actor uttered in playing the role of Lucky in a 1930's film, also unremembered of title.

In 1929...a scant 79 years ago...

"Luciano was now at the top, a dandy dresser and well-known sport on Broadway. He looked menacing, however, thanks to a famous scarring he had received in 1929, when knife-wielding kidnappers severed the muscles in his right cheek, leaving him with an evil droop in his right eye".

I understand that his throat was also slit; yet he lived, ergo..............Lucky!

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